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Viet Nam veteran Memorandum of Understanding

In 2006, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed to formalise an agreement between the Crown and veterans associations.

This Memorandum is not intended to be legally binding, but is instead a statement of the Parties' positions and best intentions.

The Memorandum included:

  • an acknowledgement and apology to all Viet Nam veterans
  • a comprehensive range of measures for addressing short and medium-term health and welfare issues for Viet Nam veterans and, where appropriate, their immediate families
  • a Welcome Home Ceremony for Viet Nam veterans incorporating aspects of Whakanoa
  • clarification of the current and proposed future entitlements for Viet Nam veterans and certain entitlements for all veterans
  • a review and rewrite of the substantive legislation, the WPA, for all veterans
  • a review of the delivery of services to all veterans, including options for the future placement, responsibilities and resourcing of Veterans' Affairs. 

Memorandum of Understanding — EVSA 2006 [PDF, 472 KB](external link)

Progress on the Viet Nam veteran MOU with the Crown

March 2024

We have reviewed the undertakings which the Crown made to Viet Nam veterans in a Memorandum of Understanding that was signed at the end of 2006. The document describes the progress that’s been made in each area during the intervening years. It will be regularly updated to record any changes.

March 2024 — Status update Vietnam Veterans MOU [PDF, 265 KB]