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Tairāwhiti / Gisborne Forum

Tairāwhiti / Gisborne Forum

Thursday, 29 April 2021, 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
Gisborne Cosmopolitan Club
190 Derby Street
Gisborne 4010

This forum is an opportunity for Tairāwhiti / East Coast veterans to ensure that they're receiving all the support that is available to them.

Veterans and whānau may have the opportunity of meeting with a member of the Veterans’ Affairs case management team. If you are interested in meeting with a case manager please ensure that you select a time on the Eventbrite registration form.

Register at Eventbrite(external link)

The forum is also an opportunity to meet in person with a range of veteran support organisations and discuss what support that they have to offer. Those organisations include:

  • Independent Living Solutions
  • NZDF Force Financial Hub
  • Ranfurly Veterans' Trust
  • Veterans' Affairs
  • Viet Nam Veterans and Their Families Trust
  • Vietnam Veterans Children's and Grandchildren's Trust.

Veterans' Affairs are proud to host this forum in partnership with Ranfurly Veterans' Trust.

Register at Eventbrite(external link)

What happens when you get there

  1. One of our staff will greet you at the entrance. They will ask you a few quick questions about COVID-19, and then guide you to the next area.
  2. Another member of our staff will ask if you registered online at Eventbrite, or if you are a "walk-in". They will then ask for your name. You can show them your Eventbrite ticket if you have one.
  3. Enter the exhibition area and enjoy. 

Register at Eventbrite(external link)

Steps you need to take due to COVID-19

The well-being of veterans and whānau is our top priority.

We will ask you to:

  • scan in using the COVID-19 Tracer app or sign in using the register
  • use the hand sanitiser that is freely available throughout the venue
  • stay at home if you are sick or feel unwell.
VA Forum