Ōtautahi Christchurch Forum
Ōtautahi Christchurch Forum
45 Harvard Avenue
Veterans' Affairs will be in Ōtautahi Christchurch to meet with veterans.
This free forum is an opportunity for New Zealand veterans with qualifying service, their families and whānau to meet with us to discuss entitlements and other support options available.
Online registrations for our Ōtautahi Christchurch veterans forum on Monday 31 October closed at 5pm, Friday 28 October. You can still register in person on the day, so if you can make it please join us at the Air Force Museum of New Zealand.
These forums are for all New Zealand veterans with qualifying service whether they are still serving or have left service.
Case management clinics - Appointments are full
When you register online, you can also make an appointment to meet with a Veterans' Affairs case manager. These are one-on-one 20-minute appointments.
If you would like to see a case manager, please book an appointment by selecting a time slot when you register online.
Veteran support organisations
As well as staff from Veterans’ Affairs, veterans will have the opportunity to meet with other support organisations.
There will be over 20 organisations present.
Veteran organisations
- Soldiers Sailors and Airman’s Association New Zealand (SSAANZ)
- Te Kiwi Māia — The Courageous Kiwi
- Royal New Zealand Airforce Association Inc
- Task Force Kiwi
- Vietnam Veterans and their Families Trust
- The Royal New Zealand Artillery Association
- Vietnam Veterans Children’s and Grandchildren’s Trust
- Ranfurly Veterans' Trust
- Canterbury District RSA
- New Zealand Vietnam Veterans Association
Health support
- Independent Living Solutions
- Breast Cancer Foundation NZ
- Advance Care Planning
- Bay Audiology
- Green Cross Health
- Healthy Lifestyle Team (Pegasus Health Charitable Ltd.)
Vocational options
- Onward Recruitment
- ELE Group
- Downer (Spotless / Hawkins Construction)
- Fulton Hogan
- Fire and Emergency NZ (FENZ)
Other organisations
- NZDF Force Financial Hub
- Ministry of Social Development
- Department of Corrections: Ara Poutama Aotearoa
- St Johns
- FFF — Perpetual Guardian Foundation
The wellbeing of veterans and their whānau is our top priority.
Please stay at home if you are unwell. We want to keep all the attendees at the Ōtautahi Christchurch Forum safe.
Masks aren’t mandatory, but please feel free to wear one if you like. Hand sanitiser will be available throughout the venue.